Welcome to Chaiim Foundation

Your Donation Makes a Huge Difference

Make a Donation Now!

How much would you like to donate today?
  • 1000 Supports a Mid-day meal for 1 survivor for 1 month
  • 3000 Supports Nutrition and Health for 1 survivor for 3 months
  • 5000 Supports Housing for 1 survivor for 5 months
  • 7000 Supports Education Fees and Tuitions for 1 survivor for 6 months
  • 10000 Supports Skills Training for 1 survivor for 3 months
  • Donations to Chaiim Foundation are exempt from 50% tax under section 80G of the Income Tax Act. Tax exemption is valid only in India
  • Please avoid making a donation of less than Rs.1000/- as the processing costs make it unviable for us
  • For international donations please contact us at contact@chaiimfoundation.org